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Cheapest Hair Transplant in Saudi Arabia

Hair transplant cost in Saudia arabia

All balding people wish to regain a fuller and thicker head of hair and there can be no better solution for permanent hair loss than a hair transplant surgery. However, it is the high cost of procedure that generally stands between the candidates and the hair transplant surgery. This is the reason people often search for clinics offering cheap hair transplants. But did you know cheapest hair transplant in Saudi Arabia or any other country in the world is costly even if it is free.

If you really want to save some money out of a hair transplant surgery, go for an affordable transplant in Saudi Arabia and it will worth it. To be effective, a hair transplant does not need to be an expensive one. However, many clinics and novice surgeons offer cheap hair transplant. A transplant that is cheap in terms of cost will be cheap in terms of results as well. So getting a hair transplant at unusually cheap rates can prove to be quite expensive in the long run. You will never want to have such a transplant.

Here are some reasons why you should not be tempted by a cheap hair transplant:

Waste of Valuable Resource

A transplant uses your donor hair for transplantation. It cannot create any new hair follicles. This makes your hair follicles a limited and valuable resource for current and future transplants. A cheap hair transplant can destroy your limited and valuable resource.

Health Risk

Your health is certainly more important than money. Cheap hair transplant can expose you to infection risks. It is better to have no transplant instead of getting an infection.

Unnatural Results

I have personally seen many people who had a cheap hair transplant and unnatural results. They ended up either using hairpieces or remaining baldhead for the rest of their lives.

If a Cheap Hair Transplant is Not the Answer, What Should I Do?

Instead of going for a cheap hair transplant, you should certainly look for an affordable hair transplant. First, you should shortlist clinics on a strict criterion of quality and results regardless of the cost. In the second phase of selection, you should consider the cost. Even a low cost clinic may be able to produce good results.

Here are the tips to have a good quality hair transplant at affordable cost while avoiding cheap results:

Hair Transplant Method

There are two hair transplant methods: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and strip method transplant (Follicular Unit Transplant). If you are an equally good candidate for both methods, you can opt for strip method transplant to significantly cut the cost. Strip removal costs less than FUE; however, ask your surgeon to plan for long-term and evaluate whether strip removal is the right choice for you.

Bargain for Price

Most clinics and surgeons have some margin for bargaining. Be sure to use this margin. Generally renowned hair transplant surgeons have tight schedule, and clients scheduling surgeries at their convenience get some handsome discounts in return. You may also schedule your hair transplant surgery at the convenience of the surgeon; he can offer you a discount in return.

Consider the Number of Grafts

The cost of hair transplant is calculated based on the number of required grafts. You can have fewer grafts, or you can split your transplant to two or more sessions to have the required number of grafts. This will give some hair now; and you will be able to have more hair whenever you have saved some more money.

Use these tips to have an affordable hair transplant and save significant amount of money. However, stay away from the hair restoration facilities and surgeons offering cheap hair transplants.

All those seeking affordable hair transplant in Saudi Arabia, visit The Hair Transplant Center now and get the best results at highly competitive rates. We also offer free online consultations for our esteemed clients. To know more about hair transplant surgery, fill the form below and let our experts guide you.