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How To Avoid Hair Transplant Risks In Abu Dhabi

hair transplant in abu dhabi

Hair Transplant surgery is by far the only hair loss treatment that offers a permanent solution. While the surgery does not grow new hair or stop hair loss, it redistributes existing hair on your scalp in an aesthetic manner to restore the appearance of a thicker and fuller head of hair. What makes hair transplant surgery preferred choice of surgeons and patients is its safe nature. Despite being a surgical procedure it does not cause any permanent side effects. There are some not-so-serious temporary risks and complications associated with the surgery, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Scabbing
  • Shock loss

While all of the aforementioned risks and complications are not so serious, it is still better to avoid them from happening in the first place. You can easily avoid them by being a little more vigilant in the lead up to the surgery. Furthermore, carefully following your surgeon’s pre- and post-op instructions also minimizes the chances of these complications to a greater extent. Here are some tips on How to avoid hair transplant risks in Abu Dhabi.

Choose The Right Surgeon:

Safety and the ultimate outcome of a hair transplant surgery depend directly on the experience and surgical skills of the person performing it. Therefore, it is important that you choose a surgeon with at least 5-year experience of performing the hair transplant method you are interested in. Hair Transplant is a relatively expensive surgery, but some inexperienced doctors and nurse practitioners offer it at unusually low price. Don’t let the low cost tempt you, because such surgeries are rarely successful.

Choose The Right Method:

Another factor that plays a key role in determining safety and success of hair transplant surgery is the technique used for graft harvesting. Both FUE and FUT are designed to restore hair on a balding thatch, but not everybody is a candidate. For example FUT is not an ideal procedure for people with tight scalp. Performing strip transplant on a scalp with minimal laxity can prove to be a big a gamble. Similarly, if you need a large number of grafts transplanted in a single session, FUE may not be helpful, as it allows transplanting up to 2000 grafts at most.

Prepare Well For The Surgery:

The ultimate outcome of your surgery depends a lot on how well you prepare for it. There are several dos and don’ts that you need to follow prior to the surgery. For example, smoking, drinking, blood thinners all should be avoided during the last two weeks before your surgery. Not doing so will not only affect the results of surgery but will also increase risk of bleeding and other complications.

Follow Post-Op Instructions:

You can also significantly minimize the risk of developing complications by carefully following doctor’s post-op instructions. Take very good care of the newly implanted follicles as well as the treated areas if you wish to recover from the surgery uneventfully. Your surgeon will share with you a list of various dos and don’ts. Follow them strictly to avoid hair transplant risks in Abu Dhabi.

Expected Downtime:

Since hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, performed with local anesthesia its down time is also minimum. In case of FUT Hair Transplant, in which a piece of skin is excised from the back of the scalp, downtime of 5 to 7 days may be required. However, FUE Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi does not involve extended downtime.

Recovery Period:

Like downtime, both FUE and FUT hair transplant have varying recovery times as well. Since the former does not involve any linear incision at the back or side of the scalp, recovery of the donor area in case of FUE is faster than the traditional Follicular Unit Transplant, also known as strip harvesting method. The pinhole wounds caused by direct extraction of follicles in case of FUE heal very quickly. This is the reason people who wish to recover quickly and with less downtime opt for FUE hair transplant.

Free Consultation:

To know more about the hair transplant risks in Abu Dhabi and tips to avoid them, book a FREE CONSULTATION now and let our experts guide you. To make an appointment, fill the consultation form below.