June 25, 2015

Safe Donor Areas for Hair Transplant

There are many blessings of nature that we take for granted and understand their worth only when they are gone. While many of them are lost permanently, some may be salvaged back. Hair fall in the second category. There are many options for hair restoration available. While some opt for hair restoration systems, others want a more permanent solution in […]
June 24, 2015

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in Saudi Arabia

Hair loss is a problem and like all problems, there are solutions to it. Some fixes work for certain people while others work for others. There are two main types of fixes which can be categorized into surgical and non-surgical. Both have their pros and cons and the final verdict on which one is the best depends on each individual […]
June 24, 2015

Chance of Successful Hair Growth after Hair Transplant

If you are feeling low in confidence because of hair loss and want a permanent solution to the problem, it is highly recommended that you opt for a hair transplant. It is a surgical process in which the level of invasiveness depends on the given procedure that you opt for. The modern techniques offer great results which makes the effort […]
June 23, 2015

Relationship between Hair Transplant and Future Hair Loss

Hair transplants are the perfect solution to deal with baldness. Many people around the globe are learning more about their effectiveness and are opting for it. The Gulf States are also experiencing an upsurge in the demand of such surgeries. There are certain incorrect bits of information that float around the internet and misguide people regarding hair transplants. One such […]