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Hair Transplant Solutions in Saudi Arabia
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Ideal Procedure for Facial Hair Transplant in Saudi Arabia

Facial Hair Transplant in Saudi Arabia

Hair transplant is a great blessing for millions of people suffering from hair loss. Most of us know that a hair transplant can grow natural hair on our bald head only, but you may not be familiar with the term facial hair transplant. Yes, after head now hair transplant surgery can help you get your desired hair density of facial hairs as well. If you are not happy with the fullness of your facial hair, you can always for facial hair transplant.

Applications of Facial Hair Transplant

You can get a facial hair transplant:

  • To thicken your moustaches
  • To get rid of thin or patchy beard
  • To restore hair on the goatee area
  • To restore hair on cheeks and sideburns

Many of us do not know how a facial hair transplant actually works to give natural looking and naturally growing hairs back. Let us explain facial hair transplant procedure in a non-technical way so that you can understand it easily.

Extraction of Donor Hair — Step 1

Like a traditional hair transplant surgery, extraction of donor hairs is the first step of facial transplant as well. Your surgeon starts by administering local anesthesia to the donor area – generally the back of the scalp – to make it numb. After getting the anesthesia you will not feel any pain throughout the procedure and the surgeon will be able to extract hair follicles in a painless manner. Then the surgeon harvests donor hair through either strip removal method or FUE (follicular unit extraction). If he uses strip removal method, stitches are required to close the incision site. However, FUE hair transplant method does not require stitches.

Implantation of Extracted Hair — Step 2

Plantation of extracted donor hair follicles is the second step of facial hair transplant procedure. Plantation of hair follicles is indeed very similar to plantation of trees! First, your surgeon creates sites at the required area. These sites are tiny holes, tiny enough to hold a single graft. After site creation, your surgeon will carefully place the extracted hair grafts in these tiny holes; hair grafts have to be placed one by one. The surgery complete as soon as the surgeon completes insertion of donor grafts.

Recovery Phase —Step 3

Although there will be no involvement of your surgeon in this third phase, it is the most important phase of the beard hair transplant. You need to take very good care of the transplanted hairs and follow the post-op instructions of surgeon very carefully if you wish to get the most out of the surgery.

The transplanted hairs take some time to grow. Initially, they attach themselves to the blood supply of the recipient site and start getting nutrients from there. They remain in a dormant state for around three months, and start their growth after this period. Human hairs grow at the rate of half inch per month. Your newly transplanted hairs also grow at this rate.

First, your hair will be thin and weak; however, they will soon gain thickness and strength. Complete results of your facial hair transplant will be apparent within one year. Once grown, your transplanted hair will stay for a long time. They do not need any extra care, and you can cut, trim and style them as you do with your existing hair.

The Principle behind the Success of Hair Transplant

Donor dominance principle is responsible for the success of hair transplant either it is for head or face. If you analyze hair transplant, you will notice that a hair transplant does not create any new hair follicles. Instead, it redistributes your existing hair to make your head full of lush hair.

There are certain areas of our head with balding resistant hair follicles i.e. hair at these areas do not fall due to hormonal factors even. Sides and back of our head has these balding resistant hair follicles. A facial hair transplant extracts these balding resistant hair follicles from the donor area, and transplants them to the areas of the face with hair thinning. Because donor hairs retain their balding resistant characteristics at the recipient area as well, they do not fall off quickly.

If you are also interested in a facial hair transplant in Saudi Arabia, contact The Hair Transplant Center now and get your desired beard, moustache or goatee density.