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Preoperative Care for Hair Transplant Treatment

Hair transplant in riyadh

If you are planning to undergo a hair transplant surgery, it is important that you take proper preoperative care to make sure you get the most out of a single session. Your surgeon will provide you with a list of pre-op instructions. Follow them carefully and you will not only have a successful surgery but your recovery period will also be smooth and uneventful.

Hair Transplant Pre-operative Instructions:

All those planning to get a surgical hair restoration at the Hair Transplant Saudi Arabia Clinic, please read the following instructions:

1. Are you taking blood thinners?

If you are taking any blood thinners, tell the doctor about them during the initial consultation as consumption of these medications needs to be cut well before surgery – at least a couple of weeks prior to the transplant. Plavix, Coumadin, Heparin and all aspirin containing drugs fall under the category of blood thinners. Beta blockers can also affect your surgery and its results, so if you are taking beta blockers (Propranolol) to regulate your blood pressure, let the doctor know as he may change some of them before the surgery.

2. Stop Consumption of Multi-Vitamin Supplements:

Some multi-vitamins also fall under the category of blood thinners. These include vitamin B and E. Stop consuming any supplements containing these nutrients two weeks before the hair transplant, as they may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have also been found to have similar effect so they must also be stopped 7 to 10 days before the surgery. You can resume their consumption after the surgery, but only after 3 to 5 days, as by that time scars resulting from the surgery would have almost healed.

3. Quit Smoking A Couple Of Weeks Before Surgery:

Smoking a single cigarette before the surgery can have adverse effects on your recovery as well as the overall outcome of the hair transplant. Nicotine present in cigarette shrinks the blood vessels, thus affecting blood supply to the scalp as well as other parts of the body, which ultimately hinders transportation of nutrients to the wounds. Caron monoxide, on the other hand, present in the cigarette smoke, prevents oxygen from being delivered to the healing issues. Together, both nicotine and carbon monoxide slow down the healing process and hair regrowth.

4. Stop Alcohol Consumption A Week before Transplant:

Just like smoking, alcohol also hampers hair regrowth and the healing process, while making you more susceptible to infections and post-op complications. To get the most out of your hair transplant surgery and avoid any unwanted side effects, it is important that you stop drinking alcohol at least a week before the procedure.

5. Have Your Tests Performed Prior To The Surgery:

The surgeon may recommend you a few blood tests to assess your physical fitness and candidacy for hair transplantation. Have all the tests and blood work done and results forwarded to The Hair Transplant Center at least a week before your surgery.

If you need clarification on any of the aforementioned instructions of have any other question, do not hesitate to contact us. Hair Transplant Saudi Arabia Clinic also offers free online consultations. Book an online appointment now and one of our staff will be ready to help you out instantly.