February 17, 2016

Hair Transplantation Cost In Dubai, UAE

For those suffering from a hair loss condition and wishing to regain hair, a hair transplant is the most desirable option as it produces results that are natural looking and permanent. When considering a hair transplant people think about numerous things and one of them is, “how much they would have to pay for it”. The cost of a hair […]
December 15, 2015

Is There a Scar Free Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant Surgery is a blessing for men struggling with significant hair thinning and baldness. The surgery allows balding men restore a thicker and fuller head of hair permanently. But one of the most notable downsides of surgical hair restoration is a prominent scar on the scalp, at the donor site. This telltale scar often deters people from opting for […]
September 10, 2015

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – Step By Step Demonstration

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is one of the oldest hair transplantation techniques ever used for surgical hair restoration. Also known as strip removal method, FUT is different from the modern FUE method graft harvesting only, while the plantation phase is the same. Unlike the latter, in which the surgeon extracts each graft individually, FUT involves cutting a linear strip of […]
July 13, 2015

Cheapest Hair Transplant in Saudi Arabia

All balding people wish to regain a fuller and thicker head of hair and there can be no better solution for permanent hair loss than a hair transplant surgery. However, it is the high cost of procedure that generally stands between the candidates and the hair transplant surgery. This is the reason people often search for clinics offering cheap hair […]