July 15, 2015

Did Christian Slater have a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a real issue that both genders face at some stage in their lives, but men are more likely to experience this problem than their female counterparts, courtesy their not-so-good hormones. For many, hair loss is a genetic issue, while others succumb to either of Androgenic Alopecia or Alopecia Areata. Losing hair is one problem that equally affects […]
June 25, 2015

Safe Donor Areas for Hair Transplant

There are many blessings of nature that we take for granted and understand their worth only when they are gone. While many of them are lost permanently, some may be salvaged back. Hair fall in the second category. There are many options for hair restoration available. While some opt for hair restoration systems, others want a more permanent solution in […]
June 24, 2015

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in Saudi Arabia

Hair loss is a problem and like all problems, there are solutions to it. Some fixes work for certain people while others work for others. There are two main types of fixes which can be categorized into surgical and non-surgical. Both have their pros and cons and the final verdict on which one is the best depends on each individual […]
June 17, 2015

Non Surgical Hair Loss Restoration in Saudi Arabia

Hair loss is not a rare situation. All of us lose our existing hair and grow new strands daily. It is a natural and an ongoing process and does not cause hair thinning until your hairs start falling out more quickly than they are produced. Although this excessive hair fall can hit your scalp anytime in your life, usually it […]