April 29, 2016

Which Factors Determine Hair Transplant Results

A hair transplant surgery is in all probability a onetime procedure and you will certainly want to get the most out of your surgery. Whether you get exactly what you want and what has been claimed by your surgeon during the post-procedural consultations depends on numerous factors. Some of these factors are under the control of the patient and the […]
March 31, 2016

How To Avoid Hair Transplant Risks In Abu Dhabi

Hair Transplant surgery is by far the only hair loss treatment that offers a permanent solution. While the surgery does not grow new hair or stop hair loss, it redistributes existing hair on your scalp in an aesthetic manner to restore the appearance of a thicker and fuller head of hair. What makes hair transplant surgery preferred choice of surgeons […]
February 26, 2016

How to Prepare For Eyelash Hair Transplant?

Eyelash Hair Transplant is helping men and women get their desired eyelash thickness. Many people lives their entire life without knowing that eyelashes can be restored as well as enhanced, but you should not live a life of negligence. If you have naturally sparse eyelashes or you have lost them due to any reason, don’t waste time and money anymore […]
December 31, 2015

Effects of Smoking During Hair Transplant Recovery

Are you planning to undergo hair transplant surgery? Are you a chain smoker and not sure how this habit would affect your recovery? You have come to the right place! Here we will share with you effects of smoking during hair transplant recovery. For all those suffering from the embarrassment of baldness, surgical hair restoration is no less than a […]