July 23, 2015

Billy Bob Thornton Hair Transplant

Whenever one thinks of actors who play the tough guy role well, the name of Billy Bob Thornton is one on the top of the list and the actor seems to have a knack of getting such roles and pulls them off tremendously. He has maintained a tough demeanor in most of his movies. The 59-year-old has a strong personality […]
July 15, 2015

Did Christian Slater have a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a real issue that both genders face at some stage in their lives, but men are more likely to experience this problem than their female counterparts, courtesy their not-so-good hormones. For many, hair loss is a genetic issue, while others succumb to either of Androgenic Alopecia or Alopecia Areata. Losing hair is one problem that equally affects […]
July 13, 2015

Cheapest Hair Transplant in Saudi Arabia

All balding people wish to regain a fuller and thicker head of hair and there can be no better solution for permanent hair loss than a hair transplant surgery. However, it is the high cost of procedure that generally stands between the candidates and the hair transplant surgery. This is the reason people often search for clinics offering cheap hair […]
July 7, 2015

Surgical Treatment of Receding Hairline

Hair loss is quite common among both men and women and hairline is the area that is most prone to baldness. The very first sign of hair loss in more than 70% of patients is a receded hairline. As you shed hair from the frontal areas, the forehead starts becoming broader and broader, making a person look mature and older […]