September 10, 2015

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – Step By Step Demonstration

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is one of the oldest hair transplantation techniques ever used for surgical hair restoration. Also known as strip removal method, FUT is different from the modern FUE method graft harvesting only, while the plantation phase is the same. Unlike the latter, in which the surgeon extracts each graft individually, FUT involves cutting a linear strip of […]
August 5, 2015

Receding Hairline Restoration Procedure

Hair transplant is a great blessing for millions of people suffering from hair loss. One of the initial signs of hair loss is a receded hairline. If you are also seeking an effective receding hairline restoration procedure, look no further than a hair transplant surgery. Most of us know that a hair transplant can grow natural hair on our bald […]
June 9, 2015

FUT Hair Transplant Recovery Process

FUT hair transplant is one of the oldest surgical hair restoration techniques, known for its efficacy and safety. Often patients worry how they will take care of their transplanted hair. In fact, no one wants to lose what he/she has received from a surgery after spending hundreds of dollars and going through a lot of pain and agony. Every individual, […]
May 7, 2015

Comparison of FUT & FUE Hair Transplant

FUE and FUT are two most commonly used hair transplant techniques being used nowadays to help people counter thinning hair and baldness. While the former is a more traditional procedure, the latter is a relatively new as it has been in the market only for almost a decade now.