June 12, 2015

Is It Possible To Regrow Your Hairline?

Some people naturally have broad foreheads and high hairlines while others acquire them overtime because of hair fall. While some like a broader forehead, others prefer to find out solution and a way to make their forehead narrow. Previously, forehead reduction was hugely used for such men and women who want to reduce the size of their forehead. In this […]
June 9, 2015

FUT Hair Transplant Recovery Process

FUT hair transplant is one of the oldest surgical hair restoration techniques, known for its efficacy and safety. Often patients worry how they will take care of their transplanted hair. In fact, no one wants to lose what he/she has received from a surgery after spending hundreds of dollars and going through a lot of pain and agony. Every individual, […]
June 9, 2015

FUE Surgical Hairline Restoration in Saudi Arabia

Shedding up to 100 hairs daily sounds intimidating but it is medically quite normal. But sometimes people, especially men, start losing hair more than 100 strands a day, and this starts appearing in them in the form of hair thinning. Two areas of the scalp that are more prone to hair thinning include hairline (the frontal region) and the crown […]
June 5, 2015

How to Cure Hair Loss With ACell Therapy

Are you seeking a non-surgical cure for hair loss? Try ACell therapy and you would be amazed by the outcome. ACell is an exciting non-invasive treatment for hair thinning which is being practiced in not only Dubai but all over the world to help people re-grow hair without going under the knife. What exactly is ACell? ACell is an FDA […]