July 30, 2015

Side Effects of Hair Regrowth Products

Hair loss and baldness is one of the most commonly reported cosmetic issues that affect almost every person, at least once in his or her life. A bald or balding head can slump anyone’s self-esteem, as hair is an important part of one’s appearance. Baldness can add years to anyone’s look and make them appear non-fertile and non-vital. Hair loss […]
July 27, 2015

How To Treat Androgenic Alopecia In Men

Nobody can sit idle and see hairs leaving the head one by one! Going bald by choice is one thing, but being forced to go bald is the most frustrating situation one can ever come across. This is why, people try every option available to stop their hair loss and regain lost hair. Androgenic Alopecia is the most common cause […]
July 8, 2015

How to Get Rid Of Split Ends Naturally

Getting a hair cut is the quickest and a confirm way to get rid of split ends! Cutting those dry and damaged not only helps you get rid of split ends but also leaves the hair shafts in much better condition. If you don’t like the idea of hair cut and want to grow hair, a trim will also work. […]
July 6, 2015

Treatment to Itchy Scalp Hair Loss

Itchy scalp is a common skin condition, often caused by increased levels of dandruff. Scratching our scalp in stress is a quite common but embarrassing habit. But think about the discomfort, embarrassment and frustration caused by continuously scratching your itchy scalp in public. It’s not only the discomfort and embarrassment that an itchy scalp causes. There are several other problems […]