December 29, 2017

05 Dietary Deficiencies That Cause Hair Loss

Quite a lot of people experience hair loss, but there are different factors for each one that contributes to their hair loss. Factors contributing in causing Hair Loss: Dandruff Medical condition Intake of prescribed medications Chemotherapy Mishandling of your wet hair Excessive shampooing your hair Insufficient sleep Taking a lot of stress Post-pregnancy During menopause Hereditary Not massaging your hair […]
December 12, 2017

Four Constructive Ways to Help Defeat Trichotillomania

Sufferers of trichotillomania have to suffer challenges every day. Because trichotillomania is the mental health condition which can result in an extreme hair loss. It’s an irresistible urge to pull out hair from the hair-bearing areas, it can make a person believe that he/she is going mad. But it’s not necessary that a person who has hair pulling disorder will […]
October 10, 2016

Weird things that can happen to your hair while you are pregnant

Your body changes a lot during pregnancy. Most talked about changes in your body include hormonal fluctuations, morning sickness and weight gain. Extreme hair loss after child birth is seen in most women. Women immediately opt for hair loss treatments in Saudi Arabia after child birth to control hair fall and maintain the health of their hair. But what happens […]
August 23, 2016

Are you an ideal candidate for hair transplant?

Most of us take our health and youth for granted and assume that it will last forever. Same is the case with our hair. But the truth is, just like youth, our hair won’t last forever either. Various factors are responsible for hair loss including genetics, aging, medical conditions and bad lifestyle choices. Fortunately, advancements in technology have made it […]