December 31, 2015

Effects of Smoking During Hair Transplant Recovery

Are you planning to undergo hair transplant surgery? Are you a chain smoker and not sure how this habit would affect your recovery? You have come to the right place! Here we will share with you effects of smoking during hair transplant recovery. For all those suffering from the embarrassment of baldness, surgical hair restoration is no less than a […]
December 18, 2015

5 Most Common Types Of Baldness

Hair loss is a quite common problem affecting both men and women. There are several types of hair loss, and each type has its own unique symptoms and presents its own different hair shedding patterns. At Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic we treat a wide range of hair loss conditions, with Androgenic Alopecia being at the top. We have a team […]
December 17, 2015

Hair Transplants in Young Men

Hair loss and baldness are generally considered old age problems. But the fact is that nowadays young men are losing hairs more than the older ones. Androgenic alopecia particularly is becoming a young men’s problem, with boys as young as in their late teens getting receded hairlines. Losing hairs can be devastating for men of any age but starting to […]
December 15, 2015

Is There a Scar Free Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant Surgery is a blessing for men struggling with significant hair thinning and baldness. The surgery allows balding men restore a thicker and fuller head of hair permanently. But one of the most notable downsides of surgical hair restoration is a prominent scar on the scalp, at the donor site. This telltale scar often deters people from opting for […]
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